2006 Season Dates:
Game Zone 1 - April 1 - May1
Oconee, Pickens & Greenville counties
north of Norfolk Southern Railroad ONLY
Game Zone 2 - April 1 - May 1
Anderson, Abbeville, Laurens, Newberry, Greenwood,
McCormick, Saluda & Edgefield, counties
and Oconee, Pickens & Greenville counties
south of Norfolk Southern Railroad ONLY.
Game Zone 3 - April 1 - May 1
Lexington & Richland (have bag limite
of 2)
Game Zone 4 - April 1 - May 1
Cherokee, Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Spartanburg,
Union & York counties
Game Zone 5 -- April 1 - May 1
Kershaw County
Chesterfield & Marlboro counties (bag
limit of 2)
Game Zones 6 and 11 -- March 15 - May 1
Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley,
Calhoun, Charleston, Colleton, Dorcherster,
Hampton, Jasper & Orangeburg counties.
Game Zone 7 -- April 1 - May 1
Dillon & Horry counties
Game Zone 8 -- April 1 - May 1
Sumter, Lee & Darlington counties
Game Zone 9 -- April 1 - May 1
Clarendon, Williamsburg & Georgetown counties
Game Zone 10 -- April 1 - May 1
Florence & Marion counties
Youth - March 26
Bag Limit: 2 per day, 5 per season
- “Gobblers only” unless otherwise
specified. Total statewide and county bag
limits include turkeys harvested on Wildlife
Management Areas (WMAs).
Legal Hours: 1/2 hour before sunrise
to 1/2 hour after sunset.
New for 2006 :
Harvested turkeys are no longer required to
be checked, however, the possession and use
of turkey tags are still required
Sunday hunting for turkey allowed statewide
on private land.
Unlawful to take or attempt to take wild
turkey from a watercraft.