This is the 1982 July / August
issue of the "Turkey Call" magazine
put out by the NWTF (National Wild Turkey
Federation). The cover features art by Grant
McDonald - "New Generation".
The issue features ads for Tom Gaskins, Stowe-Away
Slate, Lohman, Moss Doubletone, Perfection
Turkey Calls, Lost John Calls, Quaker Boy
and Harold Knight Tube Calls.
Articles include:
- The Courage of George Hart - Charles Farmer
- Found: A Prehistoric Masterpiece - Gene
- The Unexpected Pleasures of a Wildlife
Photographer Neil Bolen
- Spring Gobblers in the Show-me State -
Charles Slovensky
- Turkey Trapping with a Twist - Steven
Griffin - cannon net
- Workshop Popularity Reflects Hunter Interest
- Denny Geurink