This the 1982 March/April
issue of the "Turkey Call" magazine
put out by the NWTF (National Wild Turkey
Federation). This magazine has a great cover
of "Thunder in the Pines" a painting
by Daniel Feaser.
The issue features ads for Lohman, Quaker
Boy, Penn's Woods, Wasinsky Owl Hooter, Stowe-Away
Slate, Perfection Turkey Calls, Old Jake Products,
Ben Lee including one ad for the very rare
Double Gobble Box, Tom Gaskins, Kelly Kallers,
Moss Doubletone, Eight-Hooter Calls, Cedar
Hill Turkey Call Co, Neil Cost, Shively Super
Yelper and Harold Knight Tube Calls.
Articles include:
- Imagining Things - Dick Davis
- Warming Up - Tom Betts
- The Bear-ly Gobbler - Gregg Rinkus
- Spring Hunting '82 - Bob Gooch
- A Call of the Wild - Glenn Sapir
- Tubes! Tubes ! Tubes! Paul Schiff