Patent - 1955
(click to enlarge)
Leon started turkey hunting and call
making when he was still very young.
He began developing his unique box-type
diaphragm call in the 1930's. He refined
his call while he worked as a sound
technician at a naval research laboratory
during WW II. He finally patented the
call in 1955 and began selling them
commercially in 1956.
He continued making calls until his
death in 1971, keeping the same basic
design. There were minor changes to
the boxes and the woods used in the
manufacturing of the calls. His wife
then took over the selling and distribution
of the remaining stock of his calls.
His son moved back to Lexington in 1973
and retooled the production of the calls,
changing the side cover to vinyl-clad
brown. Production of these calls continued
until 1988.
Leon also wrote a book, "The Turkey
Hunter's Guide" published in 1962.
He also had an instructional record
which included genereal calling tips
and specific instructions on using the
Leon's Turkey Caller.
Calls Produced
on Images to Enlarge)
1956 - 1957
There were about
1,000 of these very collectable
calls produced. They came in a
small white gift box and the caller
had stars stamped on the metal
side plates.
This particular
call was made before he had a
patent number so I assume it is
actually pre-1955. It also has
an extra hand-typed instructions
sheet as well as the commercially
printed one. Most calls will have
the patent number on the instruction
1958 - 1967
calls were changed in 1958 with
the stars being replaced by ribs
on the metal side panels. They were
also now in a larger, yellow box
with the record now being shown
on the top. The patent number was
now printed on the box. |
1968 - 1973
1968 the boxes were changed again
and now had "LCJ Manufacturing
Co., Lexington, Virginia" printed
on one end of the box. The metal
side panels on the caller were now
held in place by screws instead
of the silver rivets. |
1968 - 1973
This is just another
version of a call and box made
during this five year period.
It is made from walnut plywood
instead of traditional lighter
colored wood.
There was also
a limited series (less than 100)
of walnut-clad presentation calls
made throughout the years. I'm
not sure if this is what they
meant by that or not
1973 - 1988
The newest version
of Leon's Turkey Caller was produced
when his son moved home to take
over the operation. The caller
now had brown vinyl clad over
the metal side plates and top
plate. The front and back of the
caller were walnut plywood and
the sides were solid hardwood.
According to Mickel's
book, the name and address were
branded into the tongue of the
call. This particular call doesn't
have this feature so I'm not sure
if it's just one of the first
calls produced of this series
or what.