Compositions of a Sickness
Author -- Donald Devereaux Jarrett
Reviewed on Aug. 28, 2002
you like well-detailed stories about turkey hunting,
I know you'll enjoy this book. This is not a "how-to"
book but rather a journal or compilation of short
stories of turkey hunting experiences. They are
presented in chronological order from the author's
first turkey hunt and what really stands out is
his growth and attachment to the sport of turkey
hunting as the seasons go by. If you are a turkey
hunter, you should really relate to his growing
compulsion and outright obsession to the grand sport
of turkey hunting. He mentions Gene Nunnery in the
book and if I had to pick one of the classic books
on turkey hunting to compare this book's style to,
"The Old Pro Turkey Hunter" by
Nunnery would be a fitting choice.
He begins the book by sharing his
experiences as a rookie, hunting from a rustic cabin
in the North Georgia mountains. What follows are
the eventual trips to other locations -- Texas,
South Dakota, Nebraska and Florida. His perspective
changes some as he switches to being a guide in
the great turkey state of South Dakota. He discusses
many tricks of the trade plus some humorous stories
about clients and the career of guiding.